English Bible Group

Welcome to English Bible group! We are a group of enthusiastic Christians who come together once a week to pray, read, reflect and discuss the Old and New Testament in English language.

Over the years we have had more than 300 people pass through our group, some just for one visit, others who continue to participate. Presently we have about 10 individuals participating regularly. Whether you are just visiting us one time, or intend to participate regularly, you are most cordially welcome!

We are sponsored by Dom Quo Vadis , and meet there each Thursday at 18:00 throughout the year, except for holy days when Dom Quo Vadis is closed. (summer months we usually meet at Centrum Salvator, Jakubovo nam. 5, Bratislava at 18:00).

For more information contact us at: info@catholic.sk 

Looking forward to seeing you!

Pax Christi

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Daily Mass
To receive the evangelization Brochure, "10 Reasons to Come to the Catholic Church," send an email to: info@catholic.sk
Please indicate your address, what language you prefer for the Brochure, and how many copies you want. We can only ship boxes within Europe, but if you would just like a few samples, we can send them to you anywhere in the world.  

Also, if you would like to contribute financially to this project to help with printing and postage costs, please send your donation to our bank account below and include in the note, "For Catholic Brochure Project" and your email address, so that we can send you a confirmation of your donation and a thank you!

IBAN: SK98 1100 0000 0026 1686 6389
English Bible Group is currently meeting every Thursday, 18:00, at Dom Quo Vadis, Bratislava. For more information click the icon on the menu bar near the top of this web page.

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The Legion Of Mary is an active lay community, responding to the Church's call for a "new evangelization."
For more information click the icon on the menu bar near the top of this web page.